animals |
Fieldbook of Pacific N.W. Sea Creatures |
by McLachlan/Ayres |
fieldb |
flowers |
The Habitat Garden Book: Wildlife Landscaping for the San
Francisco Bay Region |
By Nancy Bauer. |
habgar |
Wildflower Walking in Lakes Basin of the Northern Sierra |
by Toni Fauver |
wilwa2 |
Wildflower Walks and Roads of the Sierra Gold Country |
by Toni Fauver |
wilwa1 |
fungi cooking |
From Duff to Dinner: A Gourmet's Guide to Mushroom Cookery. |
Edited by: Marjorie R. Young and Vince Viverito. |
duffdi |
fungi cultivation |
Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms (3rd Edition) |
by Paul Stamets |
growgm |
fungi dyeing |
The Rainbow Beneath My Feet : A Mushroom Dyer's Field Guide |
by Arleen Rainis Bessette and Alan E. Bessette. |
rainbe |
fungi folklore |
Toads and Toadstools: The Natural History, Folklore, and
Cultural Oddities of a Strange Association |
by Adrian Morgan |
toadto |
fungi identification |
Fungi of Northern Europe, Vol. 2: "The genus Lactarius"
("Mælkehatte") |
by Jacob Heilmann-Clausen, Annemieke Verbeken & Jan Vesterholt. |
lactar |
Microfungi on Miscellaneous Substrates: An Identification
Handbook |
by Martin B. Ellis and J. Pamela Ellis |
microfm |
Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes, Volume I
by Richard T. Hanlin
illus1 |
Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes, Volume 11
by Richard T. Hanlin
illus2 |
Combined Keys to Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes I &
by Richard T. Hanlin
comill |
Mushrooms of Hawaii
by Don E. Hemmes
and Dennis Desjardin
mushha |
Mushroom of Idaho and the Pacific Northwest. Volume One:
Morels, False Morels, Fairy Cups, Saddle Fungi, Earth Tongues, Truffles and Related
Fungi (Ascomycetes—Discomycetes)
by Edmund Tylutki
nwdisc |
Funghi Ipogei D’Europa
by Amer Montecchi and Mario Sarasini
funghi |
North American Boletes: A Color Guide to the Fleshy Pored
by Alan E. Bessette, William C. Roody, and Arleen R. Bessette
norbol |
fungi series |
Flora Agaricina Neerlandica - Volume 1 - Critical Monographs
on Families of Agarics and Boleti Occurring in the Netherlands |
eds: Bas, C.; Kuyper, Th.W.; Noordeloos, M.E.; Vellinga, E.C.;
van Crevel, R.; Arnold, E.J.M. (eds): |
neer1 |
Flora Agaricina Neerlandica - Volume 2 - Critical Monographs
on Families of Agarics and Boleti Occurring in the Netherlands |
eds: Bas, C.; Kuyper, Th.W.; Noordeloos, M.E.; Vellinga, E.C.;
van Crevel, R.; Arnold, E.J.M. (eds): |
neer2 |
Flora Agaricina Neerlandica - Volume 4 - Critical Monographs
on Families of Agarics and Boleti Occurring in the Netherlands |
eds: Bas, C., Kuyper, Th.W., Noordeloos, M.E., Vellinga, E.C.,
Crevel, R. illustrations by J. van Os : |
neer4 |
Flora Agaricina Neerlandica - Volume 5 - Critical Monographs
on Families of Agarics and Boleti occuring in the Netherlands |
eds: Noordeloos, M.E., Kuyper, Th.W., Vellinga, E.C. (eds):
Illustrations by J. van Os. |
neer5 |
Fungi of Switzerland Volume 5: Agarics 3rd Part |
Ed. F. Kranzlin |
ag3sz |
Nordic Macromycetes Vol. 1. Selected ascomycete groups,
primarily Pezizales, Thelebolales, Leotiales, Hypocreales and Xylariales |
Editors: Lise Hansen and Henning Knudsen. |
nord1 |
Nordic Macromycetes Vol. 3: Heterobasidioid, Aphyllophoroid,
and Gastromycetoid Basidiomycetes. |
Editors: Lise Hansen and Henning Knudsen |
nord3 |
British Fungus Flora Part 8. Cantharellaceae, Gomphaceae
and xeruloid and amyloid-spored members of Tricholomataceae (excl. Mycena) |
by R. Watling & E. Turnbull |
cangom |
Synopsis Fungorum Vol. 11: A nomenclatural study of the
Ganodermataceae. Donk |
by J. M. Moncalvo and Ryvarden, L. |
syfun11 |
Synopsis Fungorum Vol. 12: The genus Aleurodiscus (Basidiomycotina). |
M. Nunez and Ryvarden, L. |
syfun12 |
insects |
Common Dragonflies of California: Common Dragonflies of
California |
by Kathy Biggs |
comdra |
My Life as a Dragonfly: Swimmer to Flyer! |
by William S. Cruscial. (water colors by Katherine Dorman)
mylife |
Stokes Beginner's Guide to Butterflies |
by Donald Stokes and Lillian Stokes |
stokbu |
Stokes Beginner's Guide to Dragonflies |
by Donald Stokes, Lillian Stokes, Blair Nikula and Jackie Sones |
stokdr |
lichens |
Lichens an Illustrated Guide |
by Frank Dobson; 3rd edition |
dobson |
Lichens of North America. |
by Irwin M. Brodo, Sylvia Duran Sharnoff, and Stephen Sharnoff,
with selected drawings by Susan Laurie-Bourque. Foreword by Peter Raven |
lichna |
Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest |
by Bruce McCune and Linda Geiser, Photographs by Sylvia and
Stephen Sharnoff, Drawings by Alexander Mikulin. |
lichpnw |
Understanding Lichens |
by George Baron |
underl |
slime molds |
The Myxomycetes of Britain and Ireland: An Identification
Handook. |
by Bruce Ing |
myxoei |
trees |
The Redwood Forest : History, Ecology, and Conservation
of the Coast Redwoods. |
Editor: Reed F. Noss. Sponsor: Save-the-Redwoods League |
redwfo |
Trees and Shrubs of California |
by John D. Stuart and John O. Sawyer. Ilustrations: Andrea
J. Pickart |
treeca |