FUNGI (Publications not in a series)

The Growing Fungus


          by Neil A. R. Gow and Geoffrey M. Gadd


A comprehensive book which, for the first time, brings together recent advances in the cell biology, physiology, genetics, growth, and differentiation of the filamentous Fungi.  This book is divided into five main sections:  the growing fungus; the architecture of fungal cells; metabolism and genetic regulation; coordination of growth and division; and differentiation; 320 pages, 6 ¼ x 9 ¼., Cloth, Chapman & Hall, October 1994.





Microbial diversity and ecosystem function


          by D. Allsopp, D. L. Hawksworth, and R. R. Colwell


In this volume, more than thirty contributors, invited from around the world, cover a wide range of topics:  the extent of microbial diversity, the impact of microorganisms on global ecology and nutrient cycling, microorganisms and ecosystem maintenance, extremophile, inventorying and monitoring microorganisms and the microbiology resource base.  This book is based on papers presented at the workshop on Microorganisms and the maintenance of Biodiversity held in the UK in August, 1993; 400 pages, 65 illustrations, A CAB publication, 1995.







Hope Miller's Cookbook of Wild & Cultivated Mushroom Recipes


          by Hope H. Miller


For many years Hope and Orson Miller have traveled widely in North America and other parts of the world.  While Orson has worked on identifying mushrooms, Hope has been collecting, developing, and testing recipes for cooking wild and cultivated mushrooms and has collected an extensive repertoire of dishes.  Over 320 of Hope's best recipes, each keyed to the most suitable wild and cultivated mushrooms, are divided among appetizers, soups, salads, sauces, main dishes of beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, fish.  Vegetarian recipes are also included.  Delectable recipes for eggs, cheese, and vegetables are wonderful.  And Hope has included her favorite recipes for wild mushrooms.  This book is a must for those who want to cook with mushrooms and it is published in a convenient spiral-bound format; spiral bound, over 320 different recipes separated by dividers into categories, 7 1/8 x 8 1/2, 220 pages, MRP, 1993.




From Duff to Dinner: A Gourmet's Guide to Mushroom Cookery.  
         Edited by: Marjorie R. Young and Vince Viverito.
This book is about cooking with mushrooms, both domestic and wild. Many of these recipes are quite unusual and hopefully will provide you with some gourmet experiences. The recipes were prepared by various chefs and restaurants as well as members of the Santa Cruz Fungus Federation.  1998. ISBN: 1-890880-02-7   7.5 x 8", 119 pp., appetizers-15; soups-8; salads-5; main courses-26; baked goods-3; desserts-4. Published by Seasonal Feasts.






The Mushroom Cultivator: A Practical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home


          by Paul Stamets and J. S. Chilton


This thorough guide to growing mushrooms at home contains detailed information on sterile technique and agar culture, preparation of substrates, trouble-shooting problems in cultivation, identification and control of contaminants and pests, how to grow sixteen species of important edible and psychoactive mushrooms, and many other things one needs to know to grow mushrooms successfully. Includes detailed appendices and a thorough up-to-date bibliography. 415 pages, 71/2 x 9, Agarikon Press, 1983.




Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms (3rd Edition)  
      By Paul Stamets
Expanded to 592 pages and more than 500 photographs and diagrams, this fully updated edition of the internationally acclaimed mushroom grower's guide adds 6 more mushroom species to the 25 species already described. Advanced cultivation techniques for Agaricus blazei, Pleurotus tuberregium, Sparassis crispa, Trametes versicolor, Tremella fuciformis and Agaricus brunnescens ("Portobello") mushrooms have been added to the Third Edition. This book covers in detail state-of-the-art commercial cultivation techniques, liquid culture inoculation methods, mycological landscaping, growing room and lab designs, troubleshooting and more. Commonly referred to as "The New Testament" by amateur and professional mycologists alike. The best book on mushroom cultivation just keeps getting better! Agaricon Press.

Mushrooms in the Garden


          by Hellmut Steineck; English translation of Pilze im Garten  by Virginia and James Waters


This unique gardening book tells you how to grow Fungi in your back yard as additions to both the ornamental and vegetable gardens.  Discusses not only the more commonly eaten mushrooms but those which are unusually striking and can be used to create a desired visual effect.  Includes extensive lists of species which occur in different habitats.  A table also gives color, size, habitat, and harvest time.  The methods described  are geared to the home gardener and do not require specialized techniques or tools.  "This is a well done English translation of Pilze im Garten, 1981, which is easy to read and clearly presented."--S.A. Redhead.  151 pages, illus. color and b. & w., 6 x 81/2, MRP, 1984.







Ainsworth & Bisby’s Dictionary of the Fungi


          by D. L. Hawksworth, P. M. Kirk, D. N. Pegler, B. C. Sutton, and G. C. Ainsworth.


This is the essential handbook for all who work with or are interested in Fungi (including lichens and yeasts).  This new edition, with over 17800 entries, has been prepared by significantly revising the information included in the eighth edition.  It provides the most complete listing of generic names of Fungi available.  Diagnoses of families, orders and higher categories are included for most groups.  In addition there are explanations of terms used in mycology, bibliographic notes, information on well known metabolites and mycotoxins and short accounts of almost all pure and applied aspects of the subject—always including citations of important literature.  Includes a dichotomous key to all recognized families; 9th edition, Hardcover.  6 ½ x 9 ½, Cab International, 2000.





Dyeing wool and cloth


How to Use Mushrooms for Color


          by Miriam C. Rice;  Illustrated  by Dorothy Beebee


A comprehensive manual on how to use mushrooms for dyeing wool and cloth. The book is concerned with dyeing techniques, the colors obtainable from mushrooms, and the identifi­cation of mushrooms useful for dyeing; 145 pages, illus. color and b. & w., 51/2 x 81/2, published by the author, 1990.




The Rainbow Beneath My Feet : A Mushroom Dyer's Field Guide  
     by Arleen Rainis Bessette and Alan E. Bessette.
A unique and useful reference guide to some of the more common and best color-producing dye mushrooms of North America. The book includes step-by-step instructions to the process from collecting the mushrooms to dyeing the wool. There is an accurate and up-to-date description for each species along with over 200 color photographs. The authors provide information about dyeing equipment, mordants, preparing and dyeing the wool, and the dazzling array of colors that can be obtained from mushrooms. Paper, ISBN: 0-8156-0680-X, 8 x 10, 304 pages, 200 color photographs, index; Syracuse University Press.
Folklore and Natural History
Toads and Toadstools: The Natural History, Folklore, and Cultural Oddities of a Strange Association  
         by Adrian Morgan
This exquisitely illustrated book is a feast for the eye as well as the intellect. The author has assembled a fascinating mix of mycology, art history, cultural anthropology and pharmacology that will peak the interest of any mycophile. 1995, Softcover, Notes, Bibliography, 208 pages, over 140 illustrations, full color throughout; Celestial Arts Publishing, Berkeley, CA.

Identification (not in a series)


All That the Rain Promises, and More


          by David Arora


Includes full-color information on where to find 200 Western mushrooms and identifies their key features; written in an off-beat manner which intrigues those who use this book; 256 pages,  4 x 7”, paper, 275 full-color plates, Ten Speed Press.




Edible Wild Mushrooms of North America


          by David W. Fischer and Alan E. Bessette


paper, University of Texas Press




Fungi of Japan  

          by R. Y. Imazeki and T. Hongo


A magnificent publication covering the Fungi of Japan. Contains over 1400 color illustrations of fungal fruiting  bodies in their natural habitats. All Fungi are identified by their Latin names and an index is given to species. 20x20x3 cm, flex. bind., in Japanese, All color illus., Yama‑kei, 1989.





Fungi of Northern Europe.  Vol. 1.  The Genus Hygrocybe


          by David Boertmann.


'The genus Hygrocybe' is the first volume in a series of books, including identification keys, detailed descriptions, and color photographs of the Fungi in Northern Europe.  The present volume treats the 59 species and varieties of the genus Hygrocybe—or waxcap—recognized by the author.  ….The waxcaps are important as indicator organisms as they pinpoint unfertilized grasslands with a high biological diversity.  “The main body of the book considers each accepted species in turn, with a full description, ecological data, a discussion on special features and related taxa, a color illustration, and line-drawings of spores.  The distributional data include a dot map for Europe, while the text gives a world flavor.  If this is the first of a projected series then anything else which follows will have to be of an equal or higher standard.  The quality of the color photographs is excellent and the text is clear; the printing is clean and fresh, and thankfully it is in English.”  Roy Watling; 184 pages.  59  Color Illustrations, 6 ¼ x 9 ¼, paperback, Svampetryk.




Fungi of Northern Europe, Vol. 2: The Genus Lactarius ("Mælkehatte")  
         by Jacob Heilmann-Clausen, Annemieke Verbeken & Jan Vesterholt.
'The genus Lactarius' is the second volume in the series 'Fungi of Northern Europe'. It provides identification keys, detailed descriptions, colour photographs and drawings of the microscopical features of all 97 northern European species of Lactarius recognized by the authors. Paper. 287pp., Syampetryk.

Gasteromycetes: Morphological and Developmental Features


          by Orson K. Miller, Jr, and Hope H. Miller


Descriptions and illustrations of macroscopic and microscopic features used to identify these Fungi. Keys to orders, families, and genera, along with descriptions of each and comments on ecology and distribution. A long‑awaited and much‑needed work. 157 pages, 51/2 x 81/2, MRP, 1988.





Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes, Volume I


          by Richard T. Hanlin

This is the first book written in English to aid in identification of ascomycetes. It allows the reader to easily identify ascomycetes, one of the largest groups of  fungi to cause diseases of plants.  Data are provided on genera of anamorphs, habitat, and representative species for each genus.  Partial Contents Introduction: Key to Genera; Descriptions and Illustrations of Genera; Hyalosporae; Allantosporae; Phaeosporae; Hyalodidymae; Phaeodidymae; Scolecosporae; Hylalophramiae; Phaeophragmiae; Hyalodictyae; Phaeodictyae; References; index to Genera and Species.  1990; 6" x 9" spiral-bound; 263 pages; photographs and illustrations, ISBN 0-89054-107-8 0, APS Press.



Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes, Volume II


          by Richard T. Hanlin

Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes. Volume II is the companion volume to Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes, Volume I. the first book written in English to aid in the identification of ascomycetes.  A key to 100 genera of ascomycetes not included in Volume I is provided in Volume II, followed by descriptions and illustrations of each genus.  Partial Contents: Preface; introduction; Key to Genera; Descriptions and Illustrations of Genera; Hyalosporae; Allantosporae; Phaeosporae; Hyalodidymae; Phaeodidymae; Scolecosporae; References; Index 1998; 6" x 9" spiral-bound; 268 pages; 3 black and white photographs; 100 illustrations,  ISBN 0-89054-198-1-99-X; APS Press.




Combined Keys to Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes I & II


         by Richard T. Hanlin

 Combined Keys to Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes I & II.  It is a compilation of  the 200 genera covered in Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes found in Volumes I and II.  It also includes corrections and additional information about the 100 genera  described in Volume I.  Other aids to identification in the text include:  synoptic lists that group the genera according to fungal characteristics,  including ascomal morphology, shape, color, cell number of the ascospores, and substrate, alphabetical ordering of genera within defined categories.  Partial Contents: Introduction; Keys to Genera; Synoptic Lists of Genera; Corrections and  Additions to Volume 1; Diagrams; Glossary; Index to Genera and Species; 1998; 6" x 9" softcover, 119 pages; 3 illustrations ISBN 0-89054-1 99-X; APS Press.




Keys to Agarics and Boleti:  English translation of Kleine Kryptogamenflora Band llb/2, fifth edition, 1982 Die Rohrlinge und Blatterpilze


          by Meinhard Moser


Dr. Moser's book is a series of keys to 3150 species of polypores, boletes, and agarics of Europe. Included for each species are short descriptions, edibility, habitat, and season of appearance. Contains a glossary, and line drawings; 535 pages, 8 3/4 x 5 5/8, hard cover, R. Phillips, 1983.





Microfungi on Land Plants.  An Identification Handbook


          by Martin B. Ellis and J. Pamela Ellis


A revised edition of a landmark publication in Mycology.  The new edition contains a new introduction by David Hawksworth, a complete facsimile of the original work, and included for the first time, an update and supplement with seven new plants.  It also includes a new bibliography bringing the reader up to date with new works published since 1985, and a supplementary index linking any new names to the original names used in the work.  Some 3,500 species are dealt with in this new edition including rusts, smuts, powdery and downy mildews, discomycetes, pyrenomycetes, loculoascomycetes, hyphomycetes and coelomycetes in sufficient detail for accurate identification; paper, Richmond Publishing Company, 1997 edition.




Microfungi on Miscellaneous Substrates: An Identification Handbook  
        by Martin B. Ellis and J. Pamela Ellis
This volume (256pp) considers those fungi, which occur on mosses, other fungi, soil, dung etc. Simple keys to genera and species are provided throughout. Groups of fungi covered include discomycetes, other ascomycetes, hyphomycetes, coelomycetes, phycomycetes, a comprehensive treatment of coprophilous fungi and, mainly on bryophytes and fungi, a few small basidiomycetes. There are descriptions of about 730 species and over 500 original line illustrations. Richmond Publishing Company. 1998.

Mushrooms Demystified


          by David Arora


Covers more than 2000 species of Fungi; a standard reference for non-professional or professional individuals interested in mushrooms; 1020 pages, 6 x 9”, paper, 80 pages in full color, 250 color photographs, 800 black and white illustrations, Ten Speed Press




Mushrooms of Hawaii  
            by Don E. Hemmes and Dennis Dejarding  
Detailed photographs of over 230 mushrooms species. An essential reference guide for the novice or advanced mycologist, this includes chapters on mushroom identification, bountiful mushroom-hunting spots in Hawaii, and a guide to the seasonality of Hawaiian mushrooms. ISBN: 1-58008-339-0. 224 pages | size: 7 1/2 x 10 inches. Paperback. Ten Speed Press. 2002.  

Mushrooms of Idaho and the Pacific Northwest  Volume 2:  Non-gilled hymenomycetes, boletes, chanterelles, coral Fungi, polypores, and spine Fungi (Agaricales and Aphyllophorales


          by Edmund E. Tylutki


Complete information is provided on 354 species of non-gilled Fungi of the Pacific Northwest.  Field and technical keys, along with technical descriptions and black and white and color photographs, make this a practical aid for amateur and professional alike; 256 pages, 5 ½ x 8 ½”, 114 color plates, glossary, paper, University of Idaho Press.





Mushroom of Idaho and the Pacific Northwest.  Volume 1:  Morels, False Morels, Fairy Cups, Saddle Fungi, Earth Tongues, Truffles and Related Fungi (Ascomycetes—Discomycetes)


           by Edmund E. Tylutki

This volume on the Discomycetes is the culmination of over two decades of study of the Pacific Northwest mushrooms.  Includes keys for both the beginning mushroom collector and specialists and handy black-and-white photographs of almost all of the 116 species.  Paper, 113 pp, 5x8”, approximately 100 b/w illustrations, University of Idaho Press




North American Boletes:  A Color Guide to the Fleshy Pored Mushrooms


           by Alan E. Bessette, William C. Roody, and Arleen R. Bessette

This book is written for the amateur and professional mycologist alike as well as anyone interested in ecology and nature.  Special features include:  450 color photographs of more than 300 species; descriptions with accurate, updated nomenclature; easy-to-follow keys, and information on collecting, cooking, and preserving boletes;hardback, 396 pp, 8.25 x 10.25”, color illustrations, ISBN: 0-8156-0588-9, Syracuse University Press




The North American Species of Pholiota


          by A. H. Smith & L. R. Hesler


402 pages, 115 illustrations, 40 drawings, hard cover, Hafner, 1968.





North American Polypores Vol. 1: Abortiporus-Lindtneria


          by R. L. Gilbertson and L. Ryvarden


The first of two volumes, treating 220 species. Together they will include all polypores recorded so far from the continental U.S. and Canada. The most extensive work on the biol­ogy and taxonomy of North American polypores published to date. Includes taxonomy and descriptions of the modern genera. Also contains synoptic and dichotomous keys, and, for each species, a description with drawings of microscopic features and a distribution map; 433 pages, hard cover, Fungiflora, 1986.





North American Polypores Vol. 2: Megasporangia-Wrightoporia


          by R. L. Gilbertson and L. Ryvarden


The second of the two volumes which treat the polypores of North America.  Volume two contains dichotomous keys, additions, references, glossary, an index for the two volumes, and for each species, a description with drawings of microscopic features and a distribution map, 450 pages, hard cover, Fungiflora, 1987.





A Monographic Study of the Genus Pouzarella


          by S. Mazzer


192 pages, 85 illustrations, Cramer, Bibl. Myco. 46, 1976.





Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World.  An Identification Guide


          by Paul Stamets


The only identification guide exclusively devoted to the world’s psilocybin-containing mushrooms   Detailed descriptions and color photographs for over one hundred species are provided, as well as an exploration of the long-standing (and often religious) use by ancient peoples and their continued significance to older-day culture.  Some of the species included have just been discovered in the past year or two, and still others  have never been photographed in their natural habitats; 256 pages, 6 x 9 “, full color, Agaricon  Press, 1996.





The Agaricales in Modern Taxonomy


          by Rolf Singer


4th revised and enlarged edition 1200 pages, 73 plates (some colored), hardcover, Koeltz, 1986.





Key to Spores of the Genera of Hypogeous Fungi of North Temperate Forests with Special Reference to Animal Mycophagy


          by Michael A. Castellano, James M. Trappe, Jane Maser, and Chris Maser


A comprehensive manual for the identification of truffle‑like Fungi utilizing the features of the spore. Contains information on collecting and preserving samples of spores from mammals, methods of finding and preserving hypogeous Fungi, a synoptic key to spores, and thorough descriptions of 65 genera of basidiomycetes, ascomycetes, and zygomycetes. Descriptions include spore characters, sporocarp characters, distribution, season of occurrence, species found in north temperate forests, and reference to keys and descriptions of species in the literature. Also includes photomicrographs, line drawings, and SEM's of spores, and photographs of sporocarps, glossary, index, and comprehensive bibliography; 196 pages, 69 b/w illus., 71/8 x 81/2, MRP, 1989





Funghi Ipogei D’Europa


            by Amer Montecchi and Mario Sarasini

This book is proposed as a starting point for identifying the hypogeous fungi.  It is one of the most outstanding publications on this group of fungi that has ever been published.  Astounding color illustrations of almost all of the 179 species.  Documentation of the microscopic and macroscopic features; contains numerous practical determination keys of classes, orders, families, genera, and species; contains exhaustive remarks and taxonomic notes, and a glossary of main mycological terms; hardback, 6.5 x 9.5”, 714 pages, approximately 350 color illustrations



Notecards and Making Paper

Mushroom Notecards


          by Adrienne Wirth


Beautiful black line drawings on quality white note paper; 10 cards per pack with a different design on each card, 41/2 x 6.


